New Sounds Logo


New Sounds is Saved!

On the 21th September, WNYC CEO send a Letter to say that they will keep New Sounds. What a relief. What an incredible journey.

Here on Facebook, on Twitter

An immense THANK YOU to all the people who (with "proud humility"), made something beautiful constructive


(Saved!) Update coming sooon!

The Gothamist

The NY Times


Call-in to WNYC’s pledge drive, October 22


The Gothamist
“After Canceling New Sounds, WNYC Leaves The Door Open For A Reversal”
The Gothamist
“Music Fans Criticize WNYC's Decision To End New Sounds”
NY Times
“Algorithms Feed Us Music We Already Like. ‘New Sounds’ Challenges Us.”
NY Times
“WNYC Is Dropping ‘New Sounds’ After 37 Years. Musicians Are Mourning.”
I Care If You Listen (.com)
“Humanity is Not an Algorithm: What We Lose with WNYC’s Cancellation of New Sounds”
Alex Ross

#SaveNewSounds On Social Media

(And a little Weblog )

Letters / Writings / Says from Listeners / Music Lovers / etc.

© Photo : Daniel Efram

Ari, 17th September - NY Public Radio Community Advisory Board

Dear NYPR Community Advisory Board members, Thank you for hearing the concerns of the New Sounds community yesterday as we grapple with the possible cancellation of music programming on WNYC in 2020. As you've heard, we deeply believe that the flagship 11 p.m. show, along with in-studio Soundcheck, and the daily Gig Alerts, are vital to New York City's cultural landscape and identity of the station as connected to the life of the city. In his presentation, Andrew Golis, the chief content officer, spoke extensively about the medium of podcasts, of which I've long been a fan, alongside WNYC's other superb programming. He described WNYC Studios' ideal podcasts as those that form habits, deliver a clear promise to the audience, are disciplined, have a central voice, and offer listeners identity and community. For more than three decades, John Schaefer has woven a harmony of songs and storytelling as a clear advocate for the city's music community and connected local performers with their fellow artists and music fans around the country and the world. Fortunately, the show’s steady placement on NY Public Radio's flagship FM station means that newcomers can come across it and find their interest piqued, just longtime fans can still discover something new. Its spot on the dial proves that WNYC also believes that the public should hear today’s music makers, that the artists are newsworthy. Whether we as an audience love what we hear or wind up profoundly challenged by it, tuning in to hear what John has brought us becomes a ritual. I've been gladly surprised by the degree to which the international fandom that cherishes New Sounds has rallied to decry its cancellation. If Mr. Golis is looking for an example of community forming around audio, then this radio show, which ignites its listeners' sense of artistic curiosity and brings them together in appreciation, is a prime example, and must be preserved and furthered. Within days of finding out about the cuts in the New York Times, more than 500 fans from around the world have signed a petition ( and upwards of 70 brought a tempest to the Community Advisory Board meeting (…/wnyc-john-schaefer-new-sounds). Countless more have expressed their dismay at the station's shortsighted decision and their thanks to Mr. Schaefer and his colleagues for elevating new artists and and previously under-heard genres (at #SaveNewSounds and elsewhere online). Musicians, composers, music festivals, filmmakers, critics, journalists, and artists and listeners of all kinds have shared their shock and support. In an age marked by a deluge of content (news and otherwise), fracturing audiences, and increasing partisanship and accusations of media bias, the 11 p.m. timeslot on WNYC has remained a refuge from the day's unceasing stream of updates and opinions: a place for the city to unwind and connect with a language beyond the spoken word. This longform language of music cannot be so easily captured by print, tweet, or Instagram post. In whatever format it takes, we hope that contemporary, noncommercial music can remain a special offering of WNYC to its home city, a place that aspires to be a birthplace and center for creative expression. -Ari 30, Brooklyn

17th September - #SaveNewSounds

First Kanopy and now this. I’m a longtime sustaining member and I cherish WNYC for it’s news and information AND I have received almost all of my music education from john schaefer’s shows. At a time when we are inundated with SO MUCH TALK it is even more necessary to have these oases of music and culture and community-building through the arts. There are plenty of news and information podcasts I can listen to any time — and almost 23 hours of it on any given day on WNYC. That 11pm regularity is a much-needed and structured “hyper-news” switch-off. Really hoping we can somehow keep it there. Ashley Tata

17th September - #SaveNewSounds

New Sounds is the only radio that streams new music in the world all day, as far as I know, the only radio for new music. It seems a good argument to keep it. Keep going on New Sounds!!! Thanks!!! Quê-Mai, Brussels, Belgium


WNYC reunion
© Photo : Daniel Efram


(A somewhat humble post from the webmaster)

Hi, I usually don't like to make selfpromotion, especially if it's for an 'altruist' purpose (even if I find the word altruist somewhat not very cool -- too kind), especially if it was for a support and not for my or my own business -- but in this case, I'm happy I made this little website very fast (I already had the framework, which need a little rework by the way), of course this is a very simple site, but I like it.

Since it's beautiful, I think I should say it.

"Be humble, and proudly", like the psychologist says

Thanks everybody!

I didn't make this alone (wonderful indidental team work!)

(All Credits to the #SaveNewSounds people, from Ari to everybody!)

Quê-Mai Vinh

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